Autobóz will take place in Villa Denis, a historical villa in Frankenstein (Pfalz) in Germany.
Participants stay either in the guest house (see below) or in a hotel in walking distance.
Accommodation is in single or double (single-gender) rooms.
All meals (including breakfast) will be eaten together in the dining hall.
The villa offers plenty of room for discussions and collaboration.
The Villa Denis is 5min walk from the Frankenstein (Pfalz) train station. The closest airport is Frankfurt (Main) Airport, ca. 2h away from Frankenstein (Pfalz). From Saarbrücken (where LICS/ICALP is taking place), it takes ca. 1h by train to Frankenstein (Pfalz).
The bread and butter of the attendees is formed by open problems in automata, logic, games, and related topics. We gather past problems on this website:
Feel free to use them, comment on them, and refer to them: the numbering system should be durable.
We follow the guidance of ACM in our policy against harassment and unacceptable behaviour. If you experience any such behaviour, please report it to the organisers.